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to the good folk at

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21 August 2007

In the Steps of Jack Leigh

Chapter 17: Waitakere Nature Trail

(aka Arataki Nature Trail)

page 5

Thank God there's at least one philosopher, anonymous though he be, who is not prey to the distressing human failing he describes. Or is he...?

I mean if he was prey to the failing he describes he wouldn't know, would he?

On the right there's a wonderful example of rata vine.

"What's keeping you? it's just a hill."

It's undoubtedly pleasant walking


A lush frond or two of kiokio hangs over the bank.

It's quite a stiff pull up here, and even the redoubtable Jack concedes that he's paying for the easy descent. He also mentions possum damage and a program of hand-laid cyanide baits, and hand collected possums. I suspect it's probably 1080 these days, but I'd have to ask to be sure.

He bemoans the lack of a seat for a rest on the way up, and that is something that has changed. "Friends of Arataki" have provided several seats. This one is the gift of Graham and Ailsa Ure

Not far now...

or is it?

Another sign and just ahead is the covered area and information panels.

Now there's an item of interest:

Up ahead I can see the green plastic dog-shaped rubbish bins for the collection of dog-shaped rubbish.

Under the archway, and back to the van and a cup of tea. We put Alice on the wire lead fastened to the van while we relax for a bit, and Alice takes her watchdog role very seriously. She's never bitten anybody, but she does a passable sound imitation of a rottweiler with rabies.

An ARC ranger walking unaware an inch or two closer to the van than Alice approves nearly shits himself as he gets the full works before I am able to put my mug down and begin hauling in the offending animal. He is not as polite as I think he might be in the circumstances. He is a public employee after all.

See you next time. Thanks for coming along.


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In the Steps of Jack Leigh


Fitness Building for the Elderly and Stout

Food for Tramping

General Advice:
Specifically oriented to the Heaphy Track but relevant to other long walks for beginners and older walkers

New Zealand Plants
(an ongoing project)

Links to Tramping Resource Websites
